Unlocking Your Child’s Superpower

Understanding Interoception and Why It Matters for Feeding

Have you ever asked your child if they’re hungry, and their answer is… confusing, at best? Maybe they say they’re full but still ask for a snack 10 minutes later. Or they refuse to eat, yet you know it’s been hours since their last meal. What gives?

Here’s where interoception comes into play. It’s a fancy word for a concept that is both simple and very complex at the same time. Interoception is the ability to recognize and understand signals from inside your body. You know that feeling when you’re hungry, and your stomach growls? Or the tightness in your throat when you’re anxious? That’s interoception at work!

For kids (and let’s be real, for a lot of us grown-ups, too), interoception can be tricky. It’s not always easy to tell the difference between hunger, thirst, or even anxiety. When children struggle to tune into these signals, feeding can become frustrating — for everyone involved.

So What Does Interoception Have to Do with Feeding and Sensory Awareness?

Everything! Learning to connect physical sensations (like hunger or a full bladder) with emotions and needs is a huge step toward self-regulation — that magical place where your child can start to advocate for themselves. Whether it’s knowing they need a snack or realizing they’re full before their plate is empty, it all starts with understanding what their body is saying.

And it’s not just about food! Interoception helps kids (and adults!) navigate all sorts of sensory information. Think of how your body tells you it’s too hot, or your clothes are itchy, or that you need to use the bathroom. Interoception is what lets us know when we’re physically uncomfortable and need to adjust. When kids struggle with sensory input, like clothing textures, loud sounds, or crowded spaces, they might not always recognize the signals their body is sending them about discomfort.

By supporting your child’s interoceptive awareness, you’re not only helping them figure out when they’re hungry or full — you’re also teaching them to pay attention to how their body feels in all sorts of sensory situations. This can help them communicate what’s too much, what feels "just right," and how they can find their calm in a sometimes overwhelming world.

The Bottom Line?

Interoception is a relationship-building tool, a sensory detective game, and a key part of your child’s ability to navigate the world — both at the dinner table and beyond. And the best part? It’s something you can help them develop through playful curiosity and connection.

But here’s the thing: interoception doesn’t mesh well with compliance. It’s not about following strict rules or pushing kids to eat because "it’s time." Instead, it’s about leaning into curiosity — giving your child the space to explore their own body cues, feelings, and needs without pressure. When kids can tune in to their own signals, they become more confident advocates for themselves — both physically and emotionally.

And this is just the beginning. Curiosity will always win over compliance in helping your child flourish. Interoception is such an important skill for kids to learn that I include a whole lesson on it within The Eating with EASE Academy, our signature 9 week program. With EASE, you will gain the tools to: 

E= EMPOWER yourself with knowledge and strategies that work for your family

A= ADAPT the environment and ATTUNE to your child

S= SUPPORT sensory and motor needs

E= ENJOY peaceful and connected mealtimes

Feeding kids who struggle with eating isn’t EASY… but we can EASE our way through the journey. 

Join our waitlist now to be notified for our next cohort. 

That Makes Sense OT

Personalized online coaching/educational support for picky eating/problem feeding/ARFID/Pediatric Feeding Disorder using a Responsive Feeding Approach. Our expert pediatric occupational therapist-turned feeding coach will guide you to nurture your fussy feeder into an adventurous eater. Our coaching packages offer individualized live support, ongoing communication, video reviews, and resources to help you create peaceful mealtimes, bringing harmony back to your family. Our evidence-based approach is research-driven to provide the most comprehensive strength-based support for sensory processing, overcoming bottle aversion, reflux, tongue-tie, oral motor, and other feeding related issues. We are neurodiverse affirming.


Is Your Child Really Hungry?


The Worry Cycle of Feeding Challenges